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Mastery courses

Курсы скульптуры

It is human nature to strive for self-development, to comprehend new things, try something unusual, to know the world and oneself. It is in each of us and no matter how old we are, what year it is and what country we live in. 

Do you want to learn  what we know and can do?We are ready to transfer  you our experience and knowledge in art courses or sculpture. Our specialists will become excellent guides to the world of art and real, good friends. Classes are informal and take place in a warm atmosphere. You can do  in a group or individually

The duration of one lesson is about 3-4 hours, the maximum number of people in a group is up to 5. This approach will allow you to achieve impressive results in a relatively short time. Try it and see for yourself.  


Курсы скульптора

 In the sculpture course you will gain the skills necessary to create a real sculpture. Learn the secrets of modeling, the properties of various materials, molding, casting, etc... Classes are taught by experienced mentors in a real workshop. 
 No age restrictions. The absence of general disciplines will save you time and help you focus on the most important thing - practice. Individual training plan and approach to each student.
 The time has come to discover the creator in you! See you in the workshop!


Курсы рисования

Even if you do not intend to become a professional artist, the ability to draw will greatly expand your understanding of art and increase your creativity. Fundamentals and techniques of drawing, building a picture, portrait, gouache, 

watercolor, graphics, pencil this is not a complete list of skills acquired in fine art courses. Theory does not dominate, butserves as a complement to practice. In addition to classical skills and abilities, youlearn airbrushing, patination, etc. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate and, most importantly, a whole set of skills that you can put into practice... 

PSThe cost of the course in any direction is 20 thousand rubles. Course duration - 12 lessons.

Individual and non-standard lessons are negotiated separately. There are no strict rules and if you have an interesting idea-suggestion, then everything is possible. 

Just call or write us. 

© Арт Группа Лис

Когда соединились любовь и мастерство, можно ожидать шедевра.


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